Uses of Class

Uses of AlcShape in org.alchemy.core

Fields in org.alchemy.core with type parameters of type AlcShape
 java.util.ArrayList<AlcShape> AlcCanvas.affectShapes
          Array list containing shapes currently in use by affect modules
 java.util.ArrayList<AlcShape> AlcCanvas.createShapes
          Array list containing shapes currently in use by create modules
 java.util.ArrayList<AlcShape> AlcCanvas.guideShapes
          Array list containing shapes used as visual guides - not actual geometry
 java.util.ArrayList<AlcShape> AlcCanvas.shapes
          Array list containing shapes that have been commited.

Methods in org.alchemy.core that return AlcShape
 AlcShape AlcShape.customClone(java.util.ArrayList<java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float> spine, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Float> spineWidth)
          A custom clone that adds a new spine (variable width line) to the shape the creates the path while keeping all of the style infomation.
 AlcShape AlcShape.customClone(java.awt.geom.GeneralPath tempPath)
          A custom clone that adds a new GeneralPath to the shape while keeping all of the style infomation.
 AlcShape AlcCanvas.getCurrentAffectShape()
          Returns the most recently added affect shape
 AlcShape AlcCanvas.getCurrentCreateShape()
          Returns the most recently added create shape
 AlcShape AlcCanvas.getCurrentGuideShape()
          Returns the most recently added guide shape
 AlcShape AlcCanvas.getCurrentShape()
          Returns the most recently added shape
static AlcShape[] AlcUtil.getPDFShapesAsArray( file, boolean resetLocation)
          Get a set of vector paths (shapes) from a PDF file.
static AlcShape[] AlcUtil.getShapes()
          Return an array of AlcShape from PDF files in the shapes folder If no shapes are found a dialog is displayed telling the user to add some shapes to their shapes folder

Methods in org.alchemy.core that return types with arguments of type AlcShape
static java.util.Collection<AlcShape> AlcUtil.getPDFShapes( file, boolean resetLocation)
          Get a set of vector paths (shapes) from a PDF file.

Methods in org.alchemy.core with parameters of type AlcShape
 void AlcCanvas.setCurrentAffectShape(AlcShape shape)
          Sets the most recently added affect shape
 void AlcCanvas.setCurrentCreateShape(AlcShape shape)
          Sets the most recently added create shape
 void AlcCanvas.setCurrentGuideShape(AlcShape shape)
          Sets the most recently added guide shape
 void AlcCanvas.setCurrentShape(AlcShape shape)
          Sets the most recently added shape