Package org.alchemy.core

Interface Summary
AlcCamInterface AlcCamInterface
AlcConstants Constant values used in Alchemy
AlcMicInterface Interface to return calls from AlcMicInput when the buffer is full
To get these calls AlcMicInput must be constructed as so:

Class Summary
AlcAbstractToolBar Abstract class to allow multiple toolbar implementations
Eg, the regular toolbar as well as a simplified kids one
AlcCanvas The Alchemy canvas
Stores all shapes created and handles all graphics related stuff
Think saving pdfs, printing, and of course displaying!
AlcColorSelector AlcColor Selector Based on code from the lovely Processing ColorSelector [sic]
Alchemy Main class for Alchemy
Handles all and everything - the meta 'root' reference
AlcMath Utility class that handles math functions Random number generation, noise etc...
AlcMicrophone Base class used for microphone input
With very limited functionality at the moment to return a buffer or the current sound level
Based on code by Richard G.
AlcModule The Alchemy Module Class
AlcShape A shape class used by Alchemy
The main shape is stored as a GeneralPath object with other variables defining the color, style, alpha etc...
AlcSimpleToolBar Simple toolbar (left side bar style)
Used for kids workshops and what not
AlcSubButton Custom button to fit the subtoolbar
AlcSubLabel Custom label to fit the subtoolbar
AlcSubSeparator Custom separator to fit the subtoolbar
AlcSubSlider Custom slider to fit the subtoolbar
AlcSubToggleButton Custom toggle button to fit the subtoolbar
AlcToolBar Alchemy Toolbar The disappearing toolbar Housing access to all modules and their sub toolbars
AlcToolBarSubSection A 'section' added to the subtoolbar by a module
Contaning subbuttons, subsliders, sublabels etc...
AlcUtil Static utility methods used in Alchemy Used to manipulate strings, load images, and general stuff